my book
shine from within
“Shine from Within” was inspired by my job experiences of observing children grow from babies to young children who did not receive the same affection and attention as when they were initially born. As adults we frequently forget, whether due to a busy schedule or simply being oblivious, that our children are intuitively trusting our eyes to see for them and that our gestures always originate from a place of comfort, guidance, divine love and support. According to my observations and personal experiences as a mother, a child’s first day in a classroom introduces them to a new teacher other than their mother or father, as well as a room full of other children. Learning experiences in this new learning environment may or may not be similar to those at home. A child’s home life may be unbalanced for a variety of reasons. These facts necessitate teaching a child at a young age the value of loving themselves unconditionally. Developing this talent at a young age will enable a child to develop the coping mechanisms for navigating life experiences such as bullying and self esteem development. At first, I want to believe that most babies perceive the world as kind and a wonderful new environment. However, as time passes a child may suddenly feel neglected. Learning that they can be loved even when they do not feel loved by others is a quality that will assist the child in developing self esteem and unconditional love for others. These authentic and genuine experiences that a child has during their formative years are highlighted in “Shine from Within.”